Monday, August 18, 2014


We went to California to have a party for Dustin, here's a few pictures from the party [click read more] :)

Some of the kiddos playing at the water table my mom got for Dustin :)

My husband in the middle and 2 of his long time friends.

Dustin and his "Ya-Ya" aka my mother-in-law, who helped a tremendous amount with his party.

My Mom and I.. I swear this kid hates to look at the camera when I'm in the picture!

My mother-in-law and I

The hubby and I :)

Helping Dustin open presents (A LOT of presents)

Messy face!

"nom nom nom"

Presents from us :) We gave them to him right when he woke up

Helping Daddy with his new wagon with his little hammer

The cyclone of toys

Blowing out his candles all by himself

Taking a stroll in his new wagon

Daddy and Dustin

an exhausted little dude from a fun filled day

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