How I met my husband

How I met my husband
Have you ever heard of That's where I met my husband. I wish I had screen shots, or the ability to use the waybackmachine to look at our old accounts. For those of you who don't know what 'FTJ' is (which is probably 99% of you) it was a pre-facebook site (2001 maybe?).. similar to hotornot.. you made your profile and then you could add people to your favorites list. You couldn't message them though, it was purely a website to add the hottest guys/girls that you could find. Travis was one of my hottest. He was pretty cute...hold on, let me dig up a picture....

This is from myspace, but this is how I remember him. Where's the smiley with hearts in it's eyes when you need it. :P

So anyway, I was in a relationship at the time.. but I'm not sure there was ever a point that we talked (back then), facethejury was more about adding hot people and hoping they would add you back for like.. cool points or something, I'm not really sure.. but he added me back, so I was excited. 

We didn't start talking until, 2006-2007? I'm not sure of the exact date we started talking.. we migrated to myspace at some point and I was pretty obnoxious with my bulletins.. I ended up getting an xbox360 and I was looking for people to play Halo with.. he responded to my bulletin with intentions of killing my friend Melia and I in an online "battle". Little did he know, he was going to fall in love with me because I'm such an awesome person. ;) 

When you play xbox you have the option to wear headsets and talk to the person you're playing with. I won't admit it now, but Travis was funny.. I don't even remember half of the things he said that had me crying with laughter. He could always get me to laugh and I loved that about him. I was in a relationship at the time and never even for a second had I considered being with someone else.. but things started to get not so great and Travis was my shoulder to lean on. He never tried to talk me into leaving my at the time boyfriend. He always told me that he just wanted me to be happy. Would he prefer for me to be happy with him? Of course, but there was never a moment that he was pushy. I remember there was a time, that my ex had me so upset, I had left our apartment and drove to an empty parking lot and cried.. I cried a lot. I called Travis and he tried to calm me down, he even offered to come to where I was 4 hours away, because he didn't want me to cry. I think by this point I knew, that no matter what, my relationship I was in wasn't going to work out.. I tried to deny the feelings I had for Travis, because it was wrong.. but there was no denying the feelings I had for him. There were points that I had to tell him that we needed to stop talking, but I couldn't stop. Eventually, I worked up enough guts to leave my now ex.. it was hard, I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with him [my ex], but people change.. we grew up and we grew apart. I wish only the best for him, but I'm so happy where my life ended up. When I finally gave in and Travis and I could finally be together, it ended up being the very best thing. 

I won't lie, I had doubts.. there was so much about Travis that wasn't something I wanted to be with forever.. he had a lot of growing up to do and there were times that I didn't know if that would happen. I'm glad I stuck by. He changed a lot, he grew a lot and we grew together instead of apart. I think the moment I really 100% KNEW he was the one I would be with for the rest of my entire life, was when we became parents. He became this amazing person, not that he wasn't already amazing to me, but something is so different when you see a man become a father.. even just knowing he was going to become a father was so special. 

Things are the best they've ever been for us. Our marriage isn't perfect, there's things we can both work on.. but we will get there together. (:

Our official date is June 27th, 2008 because 27 is my lucky number... and we got engaged on Christmas eve 2011 and found out we were having a little Dustin the day after Christmas and got married January 27th, 2012. :)

Picture sharing time!

It was 3 years ago when I took this screen cap, I wish it had actual dates. This was right around the time I had left my ex and Travis and I decided to give things a go ;)

I think this was the weekend we met for the very first time in person. 

I wish I could get him to write stuff like this now! Ignore the word in there that he's learned not to use lol ;)


  1. "That gives me some boner" What a smooth son of a bitch I was. Holy christ.

  2. omg, I had to delete that.. you're such a weirdo freak.. no one wants to know about boners.
