
I'm deciding to go with a quick Q&A that I found on the interwebz, to keep it short and sweet.. and below I'll write a little about how my husband and I met. (:

  • Name: Christina
  • Favorite thing to be called: I guess it depends on who's talking! I actually like when people say my full name, I don't mind 'Stina' or 'xtina', Stina was my childhood nickname growing up, so it's cool I guess ;) "babe" if it's coming from the hubs.
  • I couldn't live without.. My family (obviously), but the non obvious stuff would be; definitely my camera, I'd be pretty sad if I wasn't able to create memories. I also probably couldn't live without my computer.. I mean, I could..but it wouldn't be easy.
  • I call soda:
    • A) Soda
    • B) Coke
    • C) Pop
    • D) Other
  • I'm terrified of: Not succeeding. Of my husband losing his job and not being able to provide for our son. Losing my family. Death, yes i'm afraid of death. I also don't like roller coasters.. or any ''scary'' rides for that matter.
  • I'll cut you out of my life if: Honestly, it takes so much for me to cut people out of my life.. it's one of my weak points. I don't like to hurt people and when someone hurts me, I always miss them. I've gotten hurt a lot, mainly by people I've always thought I could trust. When I'm mad or upset with someone, or they are with me.. I hate it.. I can't stand it. I've never been one to cut people out of my life, I always feel like I need to reconcile with people. It's strange really. But, one thing I won't stand for is hurting my family, that will get you cut out for sure.
  • My Real Houswives tagline would be: That's a show right? I don't watch that, so I don't even know what this question means. NEXT.
  • If I went to the airport and picked any flight, it would be to: Honestly, probably Germany.. or maybe Norway to see the northern lights.. if neither of those, probably somewhere tropic.. I've never been to Hawaii. Actually, I've never been anywhere.. I'm afraid of flying.
  • I usually wear _________ to bed:
    • A) Lingerie
    • B) A T-shirt and Undies
    • C) Pajamas - I mean really, what an awkward question! I wear a t-shirt and shorts..creepers
    • D) Nothing at all
  • My favorite time of year is: That's a toss up between summer and Christmas. Probably Christmas now that we have Dustin, I just hate the cold. Fuck you cold, go home.
  • I really want: A great life for my son. I want to be able to provide a comfortable lifestyle for him and give him the things he needs but also the things he wants. I want to be able to buy a home that we can live in for a long time.. as well as the ability to give him a sister (or a brother.. I GUESS hehe)
  • I really need: a million dollars? lol
  • My heart gets all warm and fluffy: When my son looks at me and says "luh you mommy", yep..that'll do it :)
  • I'm known to be:
    • A) Outgoing and bubbly
    • B) Introverted and shy (This is how I actually am)
    • C) The life of the party and funny
    • D) Independent and confident (possibly how people would perceive me? Actually they probably just think i'm weird and awkward, but that's not an option LOL)
  • Love is: I don't know how to answer this question.. is this a romance question, or is this real love. Real love, is having a child and doing everything possible to make sure that tiny human being is happy and taken care of. Love is the willingness to stop being selfish and put your life on the line for another human being. Love is loving someone so much, that when you stop and think about it, it makes your heart ache.
  • Give me (true friendship - non judgemental.. someone who pushes me out of my comfort zone to be my friend) and I'll be your best friend forever.
  • The best part of my day is: Getting to spend time with both of my boys together, doing something we all enjoy.

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