Monday, August 18, 2014

Happy Birthday Dustin!

2 years ago today, I was in a hospital bed with a tiny little human that my husband and I created. I never knew my heart could hold so much love until I met my son. What they say is true, when you have a child it feels like your heart is walking around outside of your chest. I honestly, couldn't imagine not having him. There are times that I think to myself, if I didn't get pregnant the exact time that I did, we wouldn't have Dustin.. sure we'd have another baby and we'd love that baby just as much..but I wouldn't have Dustin. I feel thankful that my husband agreed that it was time for a baby the moment that he did.. I'm thankful that we got THIS baby. He gives me so much purpose in life and so many reasons to be happy. He's polite, he's sweet, he's good natured and loving.. I'm proud of the tiny person he is, and the tiny person he is becoming. When we're driving around and I look back at him in his car seat, and he waves and says "Hi Mommy!" and glances at Travis "Hi Daddy!" it warms my heart and I feel like it could burst. Something so simple.

 I also feel lucky to have Travis as my husband and my partner in parenting. He's a wonderful Daddy to our little guy. :)

So, here's to two years and many many more. Your Mommy loves you so so much baby.

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