Sunday, April 29, 2012

Picture heavy :)

We have almost 100% of our things in the apartment! YAY! I am so in love with this apartment, I think I've already done 5 loads of laundry.. just washing everything I can, just because I haven't had a washer and dryer in 4 years. We've also washed quite a few dishes too. You don't know how awesome those two appliances are until you don't have them for a long period of time.

I don't want to write a long detailed post right now, but I want to post some pictures of our old horrible house to our new apartment. Just so you can see the huge difference. I swear the size of just the living room and kitchen alone is the size of our old house. (yes, that bad).

Old house first:

The living room and going into the kitchen.

Part of the living room going into the extra area (we called it the computer room lol)
Notice the awesome heater on the wall, must be 100 years old  haha.

More of the computer room... see how fucked up looking the base boards are?
That's paint, when they painted the house before we moved in they got paint
EVERYWHERE. SO annoying. 

More of the computer room.. you can see in this picture how awful the floors were..
If the picture was bigger you could definitely see it. Worst part of the house.

Kitchen.. also the largest room in the house. That linoleum flooring was so gross..

Bedroom ..more paint on the baseboards. The smallest room ever.. basically fit a bed and
a dresser, barely

Teeny tiny bathroom. The most upgraded room in the house.. 

New Apartment:

Bad ordering on these pictures lol, this is the master bedroom

2nd bedroom, which will be the baby's room :)

Master bathroom.. Roman tub LOVE.. and to the left the walk in closet

Walk in closet, with shelves and you can actually walk into it! (unlike our other one LOL)

Hallway going into the living room / kitchen

2nd bathroom

Kitchen! I am SO in love with the floors :-D

Living room.. in the corner is the computer niche :)

I'll take pictures again, once everything is put away and pictures are put up, etc. The difference is ridiculous right? The house we were living in before, we paid $1,150 which was actually cheap for the area. (and for a house) I swear the house was only about 650 square feet or something. Landlords lived in the back. Worst situation, hated it. Now, we pay $789 for our 2 bedroom 2 bath apartment 1,100 square feet :-D 2 pools AND a gym! Yay! I'll be hitting up that gym a lot after the baby is born (once I can). Eep, so happy!! Maybe I'll take progress pictures of the house.. eh, maybe not. LOL! Okay, I need to feed myself. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Little time.

Ahhh, only 3 more full days.. then we leave Saturday morning. I feel like we still have SO much to do!

Instead of things that should have taken priority (ahem.. finish painting/packing), I bugged Travis to take me down to Manhattan beach. I've been wanting to get some shots of underneath a pier since I moved here. He took me today and I'm pretty pleased with what I was able to get. The whole point of doing it today was to have some pictures to frame and put in the apartment of the ocean. Although, it's really beautiful here.. and if I could afford to live in a nice house here.. I would definitely not be leaving, it's just TOO expensive to live. Which is a shame.

Aside from my photo adventure, we did get the oil changed in Travis' truck.. but that still leaves my car and I still need to have my brakes done too. Ugh.

Picture time :)

This last one isn't all that special to you guys, but the first time I came up to see Travis, this is where we met and stayed :) 2 story suite for the win! :D

Friday, April 20, 2012

Cake balls!

Making cake balls today! Our friend is having a get together tomorrow for his fire academy graduation, so I decided I'd do something with all my free time and bake something ;D

Today is also Travis' last day at work! Yay, everything is working out! This means, he can come to vegas with me and not have to worry about coming back to work. :D

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

So annoyed.

I am so overly annoyed with my landlord (landlady?).. I don't know if I'm overly annoyed because I'm pregnant, or if the situation is really just annoying. If I could walk out there and just punch her in the face I would.... I am THAT annoyed. We've always had issues with her. When we signed our lease, the realtor told us that the owners lived in the back house, but that the wife was in Hawaii and the husband was a ship captain, so he would be gone for months at a time. We were also told that we would have a spot to park on the dirt in front of our house. This may not seem like a big deal.. you're probably thinking "Just park on the street".. which is all fine and dandy, but when parking sucks and people are parking in front of your house and you have to park down the street because some asshole decided he didn't want to park in HIS driveway, it's kind of a pain. So, we parked in the dirt.. someone called the city on us and they came out to tell us that unless it was concrete and we had a permit, we couldn't park in dirt next to the driveway. Whatever, fine.. come to find out it was our neighbors that told on us. I really don't see how it's any of their concern? So, all has been fine.. etc. They were gone for a little while, then she ended up coming home with him.. we had asked him if we could get a small dog, he loves animals, so he immediately said yes. Later in the night, she forced him to come back to our house and tell us no.. after we had already planned to go pick up the dog that night.. we promised we would clean up after him, he wouldn't bark, etc.. if he did we would get rid of him (or move out lol). She reluctantly agreed. I don't see what the big deal is, considering they weren't often there. The floors in our house are awful, and weren't replaced (wood floors).. not like a dog would do any damage.. or any animals for that matter. - So anyways, a little time goes by.. and we get tons of ants.. we had to throw out tons of food etc. We kept telling them about it, they wouldn't do anything.. just do stuff themselves, like spray stuff outside of the house etc. Well, it wasn't working. Finally I said "These ants are getting out of control, we are going to move out if you don't have someone come in and take care of it" - so she finally did. The ants were everywhere, it was absolutely disgusting. They weren't even going for anything in particular. After that, she had gone back to Hawaii, and he was here off and on.. I noticed that I was not feeling well, breathing shitty, etc.. there was so much condensation on the walls that you could literally swipe your finger on the wall and your finger would be soaked. We moved the bed and dresser and found mold. I was able to clean it up, and we arranged the bed away from the wall. Our mattress was soaked.. our pillowed would end up wet in the middle of the night.. it was gross. THEN, I went in the closet to see.. and noticed that all of our shoes that were in the closet were molded and completely ruined... amongst some sheets and other things that were in there. At least $1000 worth of stuff. We told the landlord, we told him we cleaned it up.. he said okay, and that was that. Never came to check, nothing. I hadn't mentioned it ruining our things, I was upset that these were things we would have to pay to replace, but I said whatever.. it's fine. I was a little concerned that he didn't come and have it checked. We're breathing this stuff while we sleep, who knows what it could have done to us. I actually had to go to the doctor a few times within that span before we found the mold because I was getting sick a lot.

So anyway, after that later on down the road.. they were home again.. she had her kids over.. and then decided it was okay to have her daughter in law park on the dirt/our lawn in front of our house. WHY is that okay!? The street is a few feet away, and there was ample parking.. why can't she park on the street? Her being fat and lazy, is NOT our problem. We rent the yard as well as the house, it's in our lease!!! So, I went outside and said "Your daughter can't be parking there.. we already were warned by the city." she says "It's fine, I told her to" and I said "No, it's not fine.. we aren't allowed to park there, neither is she" and she said "it's fine" so I slammed the door. Resulting in her having her daughter move her car. Then, just this last week, her kids were coming again.. so she decided to park her big ass van in our backyard (it's a small backyard). Someone tell me why this is okay!? It's totally NOT okay! If we were parking our little car there, she would have a fit!

Next, I was the most upset with.. Travis and I had planted flowers in front of the house.. when we had moved in it looked awful, so we asked the landlord (the husband) if we could plant flowers.. he was excited and said of course we could. So, we planted flowers... bought some nicer ones, and a jasmine that Travis was super excited about that cost us over $20. I was talking to Travis the other day about how we should put the jasmine in a pot and either bring it with us, or give it to his mom. Then I wake up yesterday morning, to every flower we planted ripped out and in the garbage. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. She didn't say a word to us about it. I don't even think it's legal for her to be coming onto our portion of the property without notice! Then, the last 2 mornings shes been banging on shit outside of our kitchen window. No offense, but we're only here another 10 days or something.. can she not wait? Maybe she should at least ask if it's okay with us?!

We don't have A/C, and it's starting to get hotter.. not to mention our house is so small and it gets stuffy, I'd like to be able to open my windows and front door..but I can't because shes in the yard, and it's uncomfortable. UGH.

I hate her. I feel sorry for anyone who moves into this house when we move out.

Maybe all this stuff is petty b.s., but I'm VERY annoyed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

21week: belly picture

I think he moved up a little :3

I can't wait.

Ahhhhh. Sitting here alone all day every day drives me nuts!!! I get to sit here with my thoughts and dwell on EVERYTHING! I can't wait until the 28th! We will be driving to Vegas, for good! We got a nice little apartment in Henderson. We really just can't afford to live here in LA anymore. My husband is getting laid off from his job anytime now, he will be on unemployment.. so between the two of us, we can afford to have our own place there.. AND a room for the baby. If we stay here, we will have to live with his parents.. and I really just don't want to do that again. I am so tired of relying on people. The apartment we were able to get approved for, 2 bedroom, 2 bath.. $789 a month.. in a gated community. It's GORGEOUS! Much bigger than the current house we live in now. We are pretty thankful. We have a lot of people telling us we're stupid.. etc. But honestly, I don't care.. it's our life to live. We should be able to make our own decisions without slack. We are losing our insurance with him losing his job anyway, so we will have to get on state care either way.. would you rather live in a cramped house with your husbands parents at nearly 30, or get  your own apartment? Besides, California isn't my home..and I hate it here. I am ready to move back home! We finally have the opportunity, so why not go for it? My parents will also be moving there as soon as my mom can get a transfer.. my Dad doesn't work, so he would be able to watch the baby as much as we needed :) It's a good situation to me. It's ONLY 4 hours away also.

Ok.. first post wasn't intended to be this long.. I guess this is what happens when you have absolutely nothing to do, except for pack ;x