Saturday, January 12, 2013


I know I've been entirely neglectful to my little blog. So much so, that I forgot to mention that I got a job! I found out on Dec 15th and completely forgot to post about it. Whoops! I'm still waiting for my start date, but I'm pretty sure my training class will start sometime in February, woohoo! I won't mind if it's closer to the end of February, just more time I'll get to spend with my little munchkin before I have to start working again.

I decided to post, mainly because I've been lurking blogs for the bast hour and a half. A little nostalgic for me, back when blogging was super popular and I was getting 1k visitors DAILY, what happened to those days! When everyone loved you based on how often you updated your webcam? ;-) I can't imagine why anyone would have read my blog when I was 18 anyway, all I talked about was my parents not letting me do what I wanted to do, or a boyfriend that I was fighting with. Not to mention how poorly my writing was. I wouldn't have read my blog.

So, back to what I was saying.. I was lurking blogs on this new site I joined, For some reason I keep wanting to type influenza. (lol) It's a website that you can submit reviews on products/games/tv shows/etc. You also get the chance to be sent a 'voxbox' with products to try out. Which, of course, I'm always up for! So anyway, I was reading through the World of Warcraft reviews and clicking on people that reviewed it an A, because most of these reviews are from girls and I'm so weird that I like to know other girl gamers. Yes, I AM a creep. Some of the people that review actually have blogs, so I was looking for people that had blogs that also liked world of warcraft. Sadly, I only found one blog that actually BLOGGED about world of warcraft. That makes me think that I actually need to blog about my gaming life, even though it has been severely decreased since having my little pumpkin (which is probably better haha).

I had actually tried to start a gaming channel at one time (prior to me having Dustin or being pregnant) just for the fact of possibly, maybe meeting other girl gamers. Which, didn't work out so well and I'm not so sure making videos at this point would be a go, considering I have a 4 month old who has recently discovered he has a voice and lets out the most demonic noises I've ever heard out of a small child. :-)

I think I kind of lost track about what I originally wanted to post about. It's 2 AM, I think that happens. I think this is going to get to the point of a "TL;DR" for most. ;-) However, tonight.. I'm going to make a separate post to world of warcraft.. mmhmm, you don't have to read it.. but I'm going to!

I'll end this post with pictures as usual of my growing guy. (Who btw already weighs almost 16 pounds! Talk about a chunker!)

His superhero cape, that STILL doesn't fit. :-P

The superseat my parents got him for Christmas and his sweet new gear that momma bought :-)

Still hates tummy time, but likes to rub his face on the floor ;-D

1 comment:

  1. Blog about what you like, screw what anyone else thinks/wants. It's a place for you to look back, and remember all the things you think are important. <3
