Tuesday, October 21, 2014

2, you're going to kill me.

It's been awhile since I've posted.. I need to remind myself, to keep this updated. It'll be nice to go back to see Dustin's milestones and silly moments. 

Terrible Twos.. oh god, they are awful and they are REAL. He might be getting his bottom canines in, which might be why he's been an on again off again monster haha.. OR it might just be the terrible twos. My son is the busiest person, he's got so many thoughts going on in his head and his mouth is going just as fast. Like tonight, I took his crib down yesterday and built a "fence" around his toddler bed, so he can't escape.. Dustin doesn't have time to sleep, and if I let him he would play all night.. so anyway, I put him down to sleep and he's whining and jabbering, so I go into his room and he says "potty mommy! potty!" so I set him on his potty, he pees.. then continues to sit there (waiting for a poop) and pointing at everything in the room "Dustin's tent? Dustin's flag? Truck? Car? Fan? Potty! yay potty! fish? stars? Moon hiding? Yeah, moon hiding. Daddy? Daddy pooping? socks? Dustin's bed? yeah! merrily merrily merrily! (we sang row row row your boat tonight)" Yes, this was in a span of 2 minutes. Toddlers have wild brains. I think his brain goes at 100 miles a minute. Sometimes his outbursts are so sweet though, yesterday I came in to get him up in the morning and he shouts "Pretty Mommy!!!" and then gives me the sweetest hello :) 

Speaking of Potty Training everything is going awesome, Dustin is 2 years and 2 months and we started potty training him about a month ago, after day 2 he had 100% success with peeing in the potty.. poop on the other hand has been an entirely different fiasco. If he happens to have to poop while we're downstairs and he has undies on, he will run around frantically in the leaving room exclaiming "Poop! Poop!!!!!!!!!" very flustered.. running to the toilet.. then running away from the toilet.. and then back... until he finally gives in and goes... sometimes running away from the potty mid poop... we don't have a janitor so, I'm the lucky one who gets to clean up that prize. Then, sometimes after he poops he cries.. I don't know why he's so scared of pooping in the toilet.. put him in a diaper and bam.. poop. So, he usually holds it until bedtime. Slowly but surely, he will get there. :) I'm pretty proud of his progress already.  

Halloween is almost here! We bought 2 costumes for Dustin to see what we wanted him to be, we bought a dinosaur costume but trying to put that on him was unsuccessful, he screamed like we were killing him.. so that went back to the store. His tiger costume came today, he's still not pleased about wearing it, but it'll have to do. Hopefully I can get some pictures of him in it and I hope I can get him to wear it for at least a LITTLE trick or treating. 

Ok, I feel like my mind is drifting and I don't remember anything else I was going to write, so I'll leave some pictures :)

(click read more for picture update)

Family <3

My little underwear model.

These boys<3.

Mommy and Munchkin going for a drive ^_^

A sicky babe :(

"Smile Dustin" XD

Daddy & Dustin at McKee ranch.

He loves animals, just like his momma.

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