Thursday, October 15, 2015


Clearly posting nearly a year later makes total sense, right?

 I don't know why I ever stop using this thing, it's such a great resource to remember things that my terrible memory can't remember, that and the fact that I don't do much, so I never have anything to write about really.

I feel like our lives are finally falling into place. A month ago, we bought (moved in) to our very first home. Exciting, right?! I feel like the one huge puzzle piece I needed to complete was, finding a home that we could plant our feet at and our son could grow up in. We went through so many offers, even got into contract on some houses and none of them worked out. At the time, I was disappointed and frustrated and even started to get depressed. The house we were living in was a nightmare! We had bark scorpions. you had to be super careful and watch where you were stepping, where you were leaving your things and you even had to worry about under the bed sheets. Yes, the one place where you want to feel safe and cozy, could potentially be a new home for a scorpion. We probably found a total of 25+ in and outside of the house, maybe 10 of those were inside. I worried every time Dustin woke up crying, that one had managed to crawl into his crib and sting him (luckily, that never happened). They are relatively harmless to adults, but can actually be fatal to young children and elderly if not noticed quickly. Scary, right? We had a great landlord and aside from the scorpion problem, I really didn't mind the house.. not to mention, our rent was really cheap. 

To be completely honest though, had we not had the scorpion problem in the house we may not have had as much urgency as we did to buy a house. I would go through all the stress again just to get the house that we ended up with.

We ended up buying the perfect home in the city I grew up in. We had to sacrifice a little more to live here since it's a little more costly, but it will be worth it for Dustin to grow up in a smaller town with less crime. You also don't get nice grassy yards in Henderson or Las Vegas, we have a big front and back yard with lots of grass and a huge tree in the front, it's so home-y. 

Aside from the house, Travis ended up full time at his job and he's happy, finally! We have done so much moving around, bouncing from house to house, from job to job, trying to figure out our lives and how we could give our son the life we wanted for him. We've sacrificed a lot, but we're here and we're fortunate to have what we do now. If we didn't struggle who knows where we would be.. but it wouldn't be here, that's for sure. From LA, to Reno back to Las Vegas more than a few times and really shitty jobs to pay the bills. We grew from it and I don't think Travis and I would have the relationship we do now if we hadn't experienced all of that together. Sure, I wanted to kill him at points but I'm so glad that we are still together. I couldn't imagine my life without him, he's my best friend. 

Now we have to decide (at some point) if another baby fits into our life and if we can manage. I go back and fourth all the time on whether or not I want to go through pregnancy again or if I could even deal with two crazy children. I know that I don't want Dustin to be an only child, but I also want to be able to give two children the best life that they can have and the ability to make sure they have the things they need. We have some time ;)

Another question is, job or no job? (part time of course) Sometimes, I get upset thinking about even being away from Dustin for even part time, so I'm not even sure if I'm ready for that yet or if he's ready. I guess if I don't NEED to go back to work, I should enjoy the time with my son. I'll always have the urge to help support my family as well, financially. Plus, I want to be able to put money into our home to really make it ours. I guess that stuff will come over time, but I'm impatient. 

Okay, my fingers hurt.. I haven't typed this much in awhile. So, bye for now! (hopefully not for another year)

(a little incident with the coffee table)