Friday, September 7, 2012


It's insane that in 2 days my little peanut will be 3 weeks old. This 3 weeks has already flown by.. I feel like I've known my little guy forever and I really can't even think about how I lived my life without him before. Sure, things are a little more difficult now.. for instance, going to the grocery store or costco (oh god Costco is hell).. I freak out about everything.. if I see someone smoking and I have to push the stroller past them, I want to just smack them and tell them to go smoke somewhere further away.. that my newborn doesn't need all that shit in his lungs. If I could survive without leaving the house until he was bigger, I totally would. But instead, we have to go out.. and when someone is coming for the stroller and almost hits it, because they aren't paying attention.. I get all protective and want to scream at them. That's just me, being overly protective of my little peanut.

Being a Mommy, is the best thing ever. All of the horror stories people try to put in your head are all ridiculous. Just because THEY had a bad experience about something, doesn't mean they should fill your head with it. If you're pregnant all you should know is that being a parent is the absolute best thing in the world, PERIOD.

#1. "Enjoy your sleep now, you won't get any once the baby is here" ummmm.. newborns sleep like 19 hours a day, for the parents that like to say that.. you're dumb. SUPER dumb. :) Although our sleep schedule is a little off because we're night owls, this is how our day/night goes. We feed the babe every 3-4 hours.. so, since I have an amazingly wonderful husband, we take "shifts" on who feeds the baby in the middle of the night. So, we go to sleep around 2AM or 3AM (yes, shush) depending on when we are going to feed him.. after his last feeding of us being awake, we go to sleep. So, if we feed him at 2:30.. we are done feeding and changing him by 3. We're lucky and we actually have to wake our little guy up to feed him.. so 4 hours from 3 is 7AM, one of us gets up.. feeds him, changes him... and he usually goes right back to sleep.. sometimes he wants to be rocked.. generally back asleep by 7:30.. so 4 hours from 7:30.. 11:30.. then we are usually up or lounge around in bed and cuddle the babe.. we wake up 2 times during the night.. technically only one since one is taking the first shift and the other is taking the second. Now, I know that it's not ALWAYS going to be this pleasant.. but, for someone to say that as soon as the baby is here you will get no sleep is just silly. I sleep WAY better now than I did when I was pregnant. :)

#2. "Your body will never be the same" yeah, that's another thing that's not the same for everyone. My stomach is already slimmed down to basically where it was before, sure my tone isn't there.. but with a little exercise it will be just the same again. I didn't get any stretch marks on my tummy, so I was lucky. But, why scare someone? What's the point? Some people have even better bodies after their pregnancies because they are more motivated to get back into shape.

#3. "I can't believe you aren't breastfeeding *insert mean comment here*" I am so unbelievably sick of people telling me I should breastfeed, or giving their two cents about breastfeeding. Look, this is MY child and if I don't feel comfortable with breastfeeding, whos business is it to tell me what I should and shouldn't do with MY child. Then, when I mention that I'm pumping.. that's just NOT good enough.. and that it's not going to work, or that my nipples will be mangled, etc etc. I'll be honest in saying, I haven't been as good about pumping as I should.. it's hard to find the time.. BUT, pumping is NOT that bad, and no my nipples do not resemble "raw noodles" as someone on my facebook put it. My breasts look the same as they did prior to pumping.

Although I'm not comfortable with putting the baby to my breast, I'm trying my best to give him the most breast milk that I can. He's a happy healthy baby. I get so tired of people giving their opinions about what I'm doing wrong. It's not your baby, so don't worry about it. You can breast feed the hell out of your child, I don't care what you do.

Aside from all of that, being a parent is the most amazing thing ever.. sure, I've gotten peed on multiple times.. I've been vomited on.. and I've gotten poo on my hands nearly every time I've changed a poopy diaper. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world :)

I don't really have a ton to talk about, unless I could just blabber on and on about my babe. :)

I think I'm going to try and sew some things this coming week.. I found a ton of patterns online for things like baby beanies, shoes, blankets, slings, etc. I need something to do anyway while the baby is sleeping (which is 85% of the time.)

Ok.. there's my post for the month. ;-D