Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June twenty seventh.

Today my husband and I have been together for 4 years. I couldn't imagine my life without him in it :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I am so unbelievably ready for our babe to be here. Not only for the fact that he's squishing my lungs to the point where doing anything other than sitting/laying down, leaves me completely gasping for breath. Pretty obnoxious. I'm also ready to meet him :) Now that we're almost 100% ready for him to come. Of course, we really need the carseat, but I don't think that's going to be a problem. I wonder when he will come, it's nuts that there's the chance that he could be here next week, or the week after.. etc. I think once you're 34 weeks, if you go into labor..they let the baby come. I'm 32 today. Holy moly, THIRTY TWO WEEKS! 40 is full term, I am ALMOST there! The second I go into labor, I am going to freak out, I know it. So scary. Our lives are going to change so much. I'm scared, but so excited. Watching Travis put together the baby swing today had me teary eyed.. that soon, I will be watching him put OUR son in that swing.. and getting to watch him be a Daddy. I'm excited :)

It annoys me so much, when people have to put in their stupid comments about parenting.. about how tired I'm going to be.. or how miserable I'm going to be, etc. Personally, I think that's very rude to say to someone who is close to delivering their first baby... why be negative? I'm not a moron, who thinks that parenting is just going to be a breeze.. clearly, I know that my sleep isn't going to come first, or that I won't be able to just do whatever.. my husband and I wouldn't have had unprotected sex if I was really that concerned about it. (lol) In like 3 weeks I'm going to be 28 years old (I'm not a kid). CLEARLY, when my son is here.. I will KNOW how parenting is.. why say negative things? I want to look forward to my son being here, I don't want people to say things to me and make me not want him. (not that I would, but what reason do they have for even being negative?) Of course things aren't going to be a skip in the park, but I have an amazing husband here to help me with everything.. not to mention, neither of us are working at the moment... we will have it easier than 95% of new parents. End rant. :)

This past weekend, we went to California for my second and last baby shower. It was pretty awesome. Travis' moms friend let us have it at her house.. cutest house ever! We got so much stuff. Had some people just not show up of course, and one bail last minute. I just don't get people sometimes! Meh. Maybe I'm so overly hormonal, my feelings just get hurt too easily. Anyway - aside from getting a lot.. we didn't get much off the registry.. so we have quite a few things left that we have to get.. however, I didn't really expect my shower guests to shell out $200 for the big ticket items that we need (and want). I'm actually pretty excited that I'll be able to pick my own things out now :) Mostly, clothes! I think he also has a huge plethora of stuffed animals, which I love.. haha.. hopefully he loves stuffed animals as much as I did when I was little :-D

OH! My ultrasounds! I almost forgot :) We went to our first one with our doctors office on Thursday, full scan of the baby.. he's right on target.. the nurse said he was perfect.. he also has a full head of hair and if he's full term and continue to grow at the same rate, he should be about 7 lbs. at birth. I think that guestimate is always high.. I could be wrong though. I'm thinking that he for sure isn't going to be full term, I think he will be early. My moms side of the family has had all of their babies anywhere from 2-7 weeks early! I think part of me is secretly hoping he comes at least a little early ;) Just so long as he's ready, I'm ready! Besides, if he's a little smaller than 7 lbs.... that will be much better on my body when he comes out LOL!  We also had our 3d/4d the next day in CA.. it was SO exciting seeing all of his expressions and everything.. it's crazy!!! I can't tell if he looks more like me, or more like Travis.

I shouldn't wait so long to blog..then my entries become wayyyy too long. yikes. I'll leave you guys with some pictures :)

My gorgeous babe. :)

opening presents

& below is the baby's room so far :)

the leaf still needs to be mounted up..

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Baby stuff. :3

Baby shower gifts :) 

Baby shower gifts #2, please take notice of the cape in the corner. ;)

The hand me down cradle I recieved (that still had the tags on) &
the hand made quilt that my friend Ashley made me :-D

Bouncer from my best friend Erin :-D

I put all the random stuff in his changing table. :)

I bought this today, I couldn't help myself. It was a steal at $10.99 from
Gap Kids :) Freaking cute!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012


I am so ridiculously exhausted. We woke up this morning at 4:30 to take my Mom to the airport, got home by 5:15 and was asleep again by 5:30.. got out of bed at around 11:00 and it's 9:30PM and I'm already ready to go to sleep! What the heck!

The last 5 days have been crazy and tiring. Thursday, we picked up my Mom and then had to go to my first Dr. appt here in vegas. My Dr. is ABSOLUTELY amazing, I am so ridiculously pleased. He's very laid back and has a wonderful view on things. He assured me that it was fine that I was drinking coke and to basically eat and drink what I want, don't stress out about it.. that the baby will be fine. He said I can also have sushi, which I've already had..but it was nice to be assured again. His logic is the fact that people in Japan eat raw fish on the daily and they have some of the smartest children. Truth. He even told me his favorite place and told us to tell them he sent us ;) I was referred to him by a friend.. so glad he takes my insurance. I feel so much relief now that I know my doctor is wonderful. In fact, he said he will give us an ultrasound in 2 weeks to see the baby, since my experience with Kaiser was terrible. So, I'll get to see our son on Thursday and also on Friday because we will be going to California that same week for our 4d ;) I'm totally okay with that haha.

Tomorrow, I have to wake up and go directly to my glucose test. (Gestational Diabetes test) I am SO not looking forward to it.. from what I understand.. you go, (after fasting for 8 hours) and you drink this awful sugary drink and sit for TWO hours UGH, then they take your blood. I'm not sure how that's going to go down, not eating for two hours after fasting for 8? that's ridiculous imo...especially considering I'm freaking pregnant! That can't be good for someone who's pregnant. :-( If I fail the test even by a point, I have to go back for THREE hours I think. Double freaking ew. ;-(

Oh, totally side tracked ^.^ So, my baby shower was this weekend.. my Mom and I worked for basically the entire time she was here to put everything together.. I've never been out shopping and wanted to just go home and SIT. (lol) The baby shower was Sunday and we had been working so hard, baked so much goodies.. hand made my favors (A bow, Earrings, A keychain and A chocolate dipped fortune cookie).. etc. Had a wonderful friend who wanted to help and made some food appetizers, super thankful for that. You have no idea how expensive it is just to buy presents for game winners and to buy stuff for games. What's awful is having 3 people back out the night before.. and one person say they were coming and not even show up. Super hurtful. Especially considering how hard my Mom and I worked on everything.. and how much we spent to set everything up. I didn't invite a ton of people.. so just those 4 people was a lot. I guess whatever, it goes to show not to count on anyone but yourself.. otherwise you'll probably just get let down. I'm totally not trying to make this a pity me post.. it just sucks that I've not had one close friend that I could completely rely on. It makes me feel like, I personally am doing something wrong as a 'friend'. Nothing I can do about it, I suppose. Just makes me that much more thankful for my husband, who has been the most amazing best friend that I could ever ask for. I love him so much and I'm so happy that our lives have come down to this.. I couldn't think of anyone else better to spend my life with and raise children with. He's going to be a phenomenal Dad, I can't wait. :) So happy how my life has panned out. :)

All in all, aside from the minor disappointments, the shower went SO wonderful. My close friends were there and we had lots of girl talk and had a ton of games that were hilarious and fun :-D I also got stuff that I needed, thankfully! I'll take pictures of everything when I get a chance and post them up.

I need a shower and need to get to bed..... but before I go, YAY KINGS!!!!! Bringing home the cup :-D hehe. Goodnight!